
STATUS: Completed

COST: £3m

ROLE: Full Architectural & Project Management Services

The British Muslim Heritage Centre is a Grade II* Listed building within the conservation area of Whalley Range, Manchester. We are involved with the £3m refurbishment of the building and have helped the centre secure planning permission for a marque and radio station. The refurbishment consisted of 22 new offices and 54 bedrooms.

Preserving History, Creating Possibilities

The BMHC is a Grade II* Listed Building nestled within a Conservation Area, making the refurbishment process a truly challenging yet exhilarating experience. Our team of dedicated architects and project managers took on the responsibility of breathing new life into this historical gem.

Restoring the Past, Shaping the Future

Our involvement as architects and project managers allowed us to meticulously plan and execute the full refurbishment of the east and west wings, the central spine, and the ground floor of the central wing. A key aspect of this project was the transformation of three classrooms in the central wing into a single, versatile hall. The installation of folding partitions now grants the flexibility to use the space as either three individual classrooms or a spacious hall, perfect for various activities and events.

Expanding Possibilities

As part of the refurbishment works, we were entrusted with creating 22 new offices and 54 bedrooms within the historical building. By carefully managing the selected procurement route, we were able to deliver this remarkable project valued at £5 million but delivered to the client for £3.3 million.

Unlocking New Opportunities

Our collaboration with the BMHC extended beyond the refurbishment. We worked closely with them to secure planning permission for the marquee, providing an elegant venue for weddings and conferences. Furthermore, we successfully gained planning permission for a radio station, adding a valuable asset to the centre.

Embracing Modernity, Honoring Tradition

Continuing our commitment to blending history with contemporary design, we also secured planning permission for an awe-inspiring single-storey glass reception extension. This extension will serve as an entrance foyer and reception area for visitors, featuring a striking contrast between sleek glass architecture and the timeless masonry of the original building. The extension will seamlessly integrate with the new public realm area at the rear of the building, creating a harmonious space for all to enjoy.

Progress in Motion

We are thrilled to share that works are currently underway for the construction of the new extension. Our team is diligently bringing this vision to life, ensuring that every detail is meticulously executed to uphold the legacy of the BMHC while embracing its exciting future.

At Create It Studio Architects, we take immense pride in our ability to transform historical buildings into vibrant spaces that meet the needs of modern society. The British Muslim Heritage Centre project exemplifies our commitment to excellence, innovation, and preserving cultural heritage.