“A great building must begin with the unmeasurable, must go through measurable means when it is being designed, and in the end must be unmeasurable.” - Louis Kahn

Louis Kahn’s insightful quote encapsulates the essence of creating great architecture.

According to him, a truly remarkable building starts with an intangible idea, an unmeasurable concept that sparks the imagination.

However, during the design process, practical considerations and measurable factors come into play.

Architects must find a balance between their artistic vision and the constraints of reality.

Yet, in the final result, a great building transcends mere measurements and becomes something beyond quantifiable dimensions.

It becomes an experience, an emotion, and an expression of profound beauty that cannot be fully captured by numbers alone.

Kahn’s words remind us that the true impact of a building lies not in its physical measurements, but in its ability to evoke wonder, inspire, and leave a lasting impression on those who encounter it.


“Quality is an integral part of the process of design.” Norman Foster


“Architecture is not about math or zoning – it’s about visceral emotions.” - Marc Kushner