“Less is more.” - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Saghir Hussain Saghir Hussain

“Less is more.” - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

A minimalist's mantra! This quote celebrates the beauty of simplicity and restraint.

It reminds us that elegance, harmony, and timelessness can be found in the absence of excess. Let's focus on the essentials!

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“Form follows function.” - Louis Sullivan
Saghir Hussain Saghir Hussain

“Form follows function.” - Louis Sullivan

A cornerstone of modern architecture! This quote teaches us that design should flow naturally from purpose, not be imposed for looks alone.

Embracing practicality and efficiency, it's a reminder that form mirrors function.

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“Architecture is the art of how to waste space.” - Philip Johnson
Saghir Hussain Saghir Hussain

“Architecture is the art of how to waste space.” - Philip Johnson

Philip Johnson flips the script, urging us to break free from the usual norms. It's not just about being functional, but exploring and experimenting with space!

Don't overlook those unused nooks and crannies. They're hidden treasure troves of innovation! Let's shatter the limits of tradition and let creativity flow.

Johnson's wisdom reminds us that architecture is an art form, and empty spaces hold endless potential!

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“Architecture is the thoughtful making of space.” - Louis Kahn
Saghir Hussain Saghir Hussain

“Architecture is the thoughtful making of space.” - Louis Kahn

Louis Kahn knew that architecture is more than construction; it's the art of shaping spaces with deep contemplation. It's about evoking emotions, inspiring creativity, and connecting people. Architects wield the magic of light, form, and materials to craft meaningful spaces. Each building they create transforms our world.

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